Wednesday, 16 June 2010


I've been mulling over an idea for a short surreal sequential piece lately. First tentative doodles, trying to figure out exactly what I want to do, are starting to come out. Drop me a line and let me know what you think ;)


Ericka said...

Oh boy oh boy oh boy! This is so beautifullllll! I'm loving what you are doing in that style. It's so unique and friendly :) Can't wait to see what you'll come up with next, George. I'm sure I'll enjoy it a lot.

Take care! :D

Finn Clark said...

I like what I'm seeing so far George. Keep it coming! By the way that Sawyer comment cracked me up big time. Haha :D

George Bletsis said...

Ericka - Thank you! I hope you enjoy the next one ;)

Finn - Cheers! I'll try